avoidance drugs heartbreak and dogs by jordan stephens

Unsparingly digging into the fear, tenderness and trauma he carried in his body and mind, and the confusing assumptions of what a young man should be, Jordan Stephens discovers what it means to be a young man, why we should all open ourselves up to life, and how the price we pay for love in all its forms is worth it.

Sunny loves jigsaw puzzles - the bigger the better. When she completes one, she gets a warm, happy honeybee buzz. One day, her gran gives her a ONE-THOUSAND-PIECE puzzle. Piece after piece, all by herself, she puts together the picture, until... DISASTER! The final piece is missing!

Sunny may be small, but she is very determined - so she sets off to find it. As the day whizzes by in a whirl of new places and friends, Sunny discovers that looking for something is every bit as fun as finding it, and that perhaps the missing piece was there all along...

Jordan returns to what he calls his "first and only true love": writing.

In his provocative and personal essay I'm A Pussy, Jordan dissects the language of insults and explores the impact of growing up in Great Britain surrounded by the labels most of us use without thinking. Crucially, it also asks us to reconsider the way we treat each other.

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